
4 Ways to Reduce Internet Data Use on Your Phone

4 Ways to Reduce Internet Data Use on Your Phone

In now days, many people complain about how quickly their mobile data runs out. In this post, I will be explaining how to save up to 40% of your mobile data using some simple techniques.

4 Ways to Reduce Internet Data Use on Your Phone

Way 1: OPEN DATA Cache

Believe it or not, opening your phone's data storage can help you reduce your mobile data usage significantly. The reason this step is important is that: When you use an app on your phone, for example Instagram, not just instagram that uses your data at the moment. Some apps like whatsapp will use your phone data to check that you have new messages without opening it. Opening the data cache prevents background data transfer.
To open the data saver, go to:
Settings > Data usage > Data storage


Your phone app store is usually set to update specific apps as soon as you turn on your mobile data. To turn this off in the Google Play Store, go to:
Settings > General > Network Preferences
Then switch to "Over Wi-Fi only"

Way 3: Turn off Auto-Settings

By default, auto-sync settings are turned on. Other apps like Gmail, Messenger and WhatsApp rely on auto-sync. Sometimes they use it to sync huge data like photos and movies to your phone. This reduces your mobile data without your knowledge, turning this off to:
Go to Settings > Accounts
Then turn off > auto-sync

Now, these apps won't use your data unless you turn it on.


In addition to freeing up your device's storage, freezing unused apps also helps you to reduce your data usage. The more applications you install, the more data your data uses. When apps are small, data usage is low.

That will be all for now. If you find this post useful, please share it with your friends. Thanks be smiley 😊
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