
How to Create Password Generate Tool Blogger

How to Create Password Generate Tool Blogger

Random Passwords Generator Tool on Blogger Using JavaScript - This tool is made to generate a random password or password using only Javascript. You can install this tool on a static blog page or it can also be in a blog article. But it feels like if it's installed in the article, it's not good.

In this article, I will give a simple tutorial on how to create a generator tool to create a password using only JavaScript. More details, you can follow the steps below.

Password Generate Tool Script For Blogger

How to Create Password Generate Tool Blogger

How to make a generator tool to generate random passwords using JavaScript on static pages here is a complete procedure 

  1. Open your blogger dashboard

  2. Go to pages

  3. Open a new static page or use existing pages and articles too

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function random_all() { var trickpk_compute_psd = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var trickpk_psd_length = 10; var random_all = ''; for (var i=0; i<trickpk_psd_length; i++) { var trickpk_psd_get = Math.floor(Math.random() * trickpk_compute_psd.length); random_all += trickpk_compute_psd.substring(trickpk_psd_get,trickpk_psd_get+1); } document.random_form.trickpk_psd_text.value = random_all; } </script> <form name="random_form"> <input onclick="random_all();" type="button" value="Generate Password" /> <input name="trickpk_psd_text" type="text" value="" /> </form>
  5. Then enter the JavaScript below into the post page/article, change mode to HTML view don't use it in Compose view .

  6. If you click publish and see the results.

  7. You can also add style and appearance using your own CSS to make it more attractive and elegant also you can change password length as in above script i choose 10 words of length.

    Online Password Generater Tool Free for Blogger

    For a demo and the results you can see directly from here .

    That's a simple tutorial on how to make a generator tool to generate random passwords using JavaScript on the blog that I can convey in this article. Hope it is useful.

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