
How to Disable Control+U Function in Blogs and Websites

How to Disable Control+U Function in Blogs and Websites

The easiest and easiest way to disable the control U keyboard for tutorial articles , which is one way that you can use to secure the writing that you have made, maybe you are tired of writing but people pick it up easily Which is where this article is is a continuation of the previous article about how articles cannot be copied and pasted and by activating or enabling disable CTRL U at least you can strengthen your article so that it cannot be stolen by others.

TMeaning forgetting the main points of Seo which can strengthen and sharpen your articles hanging out in search engines, especially the Google search engine, but sometimes the content that we have created is often taken by many people and even recycled without being modified at all so that in the long run it can aggravate the situation, especially health on the website that we have.

The purpose of this article, hopefully, can be studied with the aim of making it easier for you to learn HTML coding. Okay, without further ado, just take a look at How to activate CTRL+U and what controls on your blog.

Turning off the CTRL U CTRL function on any content posts, articles, blogs and websites

How to Disable Control+U Function in Blogs and Websites

1. The first step please go to your blogger dashboard then you enter the theme menu Then you select the HTML edit mode, then search for <body> to speed up the search you can use the ctrl + f function

2. After meeting, please replace the <body> code with the code below then save your theme

<body oncontextmenu='return false' onkeydown='return false' onmousedown='return false'>

It's very simple, not only that, the guides and tutorials that we can convey on this afternoon may be useful and for your visit trickpk, we thank you, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and good luck.

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